Some of the highlights of the team Research Data and Software at TU Delft Library in 2024. Full details are in the pdf – TU Delft Library – 4TU.ResearchData Operational Plan 2024.docx
- Learn data management skills (as support staff)
- Join the 4TU.ResearchData community and connect with peers about data management
- Publish your research data
- Publish your software
- Publish your NetCDF files (OPeNDAP)
- Learn about future and past research data events
- Learn basic computational skills to work reproducibly (Software Carpentries)
- Get funding to make research data FAIR
- Contribute to the development of Djehuty
- 4TU.ResearchData strategy
- Djehuty – Integrated data submission system
- Data curation by WUR
- Thematic DCC for Natural and Engineering Sciences
- Skills4EOSC
- RDNL Dutch Data Prize
- GDPR for Data Support
- ADAPT: A metaDAta Publication Toolbox
- Nexum: Data4Art
- Peer review of software and data
- Data and Software Hub
- Community platform development (as part of Skills4EOSC Fellowship Programme)