In 2015, Elsevier introduced My Research Dashboard, where the Article Usage Reports and CiteAlert services were combined into one platform. They have now taken this to the next level with the introduction of Mendeley Stats.

Mendeley Stats is a personal service that helps you measure the exposure and impact of your publications.  It combines ScienceDirect views, Scopus citations, Mendeley sharing & group activity, and mass media mentions to provide you with a concise overview of how your published articles are performing.

It is free and available to all researchers whose articles are covered by Scopus. In other words, it displays information from all publishers, not just Elsevier, including Springer-Nature, Wiley, and Taylor & Francis. Your articles are automatically added to Mendeley Stats as they are published.

Note: If you have an existing account with My Research Dashboard, ScienceDirect, Scopus or any other Elsevier product, you can use those credentials to sign in and start your journey with Mendeley Stats.

For more information and to view additional screenshots of Mendeley Stats:  click here >>

Source: Elsevier